Un initiateur de prêt est parfois appelé initiateur de prêt hypothécaire ou initiateur d'hypothèque, bien qu'ils remplissent tous la même fonction, quel que soit le nom. Il s'agit généralement d'une entreprise ou d'une personne qui guide un emprunteur potentiel tout au long du processus de demande jusqu'à la conclusion du prêt. Les initiateurs de prêts travaillent généralement pour des courtiers en prêts hypothécaires ou des prêteurs hypothécaires directs. Ils guident l'emprunteur tout au long du processus de prêt, du début à la fin.
Mortgage loan originators help borrowers prepare their paperwork and guide them throughout the underwriting process. In addition to that, they make sure the borrower receives the right type of mortgage for their purposes.
The fee for mortgage loan originators is generally included within the mortgage closing costs. Borrowers pay these fees when closing the purchase of a home or residential property.
Since loan originators assist individuals throughout the mortgage process, they are part of the primary mortgage market.
They generally make a profit by charging fees throughout the process, and with the difference in interest rates, when they later sell the mortgage to the secondary mortgage market. These mortgages are generally bought by either Freddie Mac or Frannie Mae, government sponsored private companies. The secondary mortgage market generally pays a premium on consumer mortgages. These mortgages are later turned into mortgage-backed securities.
It is important to note, that similarly to realtors, many loan originators tend to work on a commission-only basis. That means that they do not have a safety net or base salary, and must facilitate mortgages to make a living.