Les prêts relais sont des prêts à court terme couramment utilisés dans le monde de l'immobilier. Il est généralement utilisé jusqu'à ce qu'un prêt plus permanent, tel qu'une hypothèque, soit obtenu ou jusqu'à ce que les conditions requises soient remplies. La durée d'un prêt-relais tend à être très courte par rapport aux autres, et se situe généralement autour de 12 mois. Les frais associés à ce type de prêt ont tendance à être plus élevés que la moyenne.
Bridge loans are commonly used when a homeowner is interested in purchasing a new property before the sale of their property is complete. The homeowner would use the bridge loan to cover the closing costs associated with buying a property. Later the homeowner would apply for a home loan or mortgage which would also cover the bridge loan.
They can also be used to avoid foreclosure, to close a deal quickly, and to take advantage of a short term opportunity.
Lenders that provide bridge loans may have some different requirements than a standard mortgage or home loan. Usually they require less paperwork from the lender but have standards to approve a loan. This can include cross-collatarization and a lower loan-to-value ratio on the property.
Besides the world of real estate, bridge loans are also occasionally used in the world of venture capital funding and corporate finance. For example, it may be used to inject capital into a company between funding rounds. It also is used sometimes by companies for capital before they launch a public IPO, or are acquired by a different company.