Un courtier en immobilier est aussi communément appelé agent immobilier. La différence subtile est qu'un courtier a suivi une formation supplémentaire et peut travailler de manière indépendante. Un agent immobilier, quant à lui, fait généralement partie d'une société de courtage ou travaille sous la direction d'un courtier. Une autre légère différence est qu'un courtier doit s'assurer qu'une transaction immobilière est légale et que tous les documents aient été remplis correctement. Les courtiers et agents immobiliers sont tenus d'obtenir une licence de l'État et de respecter l'éthique de la National Association of Realtors aux États-Unis.
Their job is to represent either the buyer or seller of a property and sometimes both parties. In many cases, each party has its own representation. It is highly recommended to use a professional real estate agent or broker when purchasing a property.
A real estate agent that represents a seller is usually referred to as a listing agent. This is due to the fact that they list the property on an MLS (multiple listing service) and market the property to potential buyers.
Agents that represent buyers are usually called buyers agents. They usually search the property market for properties that fit their buyer’s requirements.
Realtors are usually paid by a commission at the time of closing a property sale. This is typically around 5-6% of a property’s price and is usually split between the listing agent and the buyers’ agent.
Realtors also tend to assist in the property rental market. They can find rental properties for prospective tenets for a certain fee.