L'assurance tempête de vent est une forme d'assurance de biens spécialisée qui couvre les biens du propriétaire d'une maison contre des dommages spécifiques causés par une tempête. Cette forme d'assurance couvre la propriété, les structures environnantes, comme un garage détaché, et les biens personnels en cas de dommages. L'assurance tempête de vent couvre les dommages causés par les ouragans, les tornades, la grêle et d'autres événements provoqués par des rafales de vent.
In most states, windstorm insurance is not included under homeowners insurance and will require a separate policy. Like title insurance, windstorm insurance is highly recommended. It may be required in the following states: Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, North Carolina & South Carolina. This is due primarily to the threat of hurricanes which tend to pass by the south-eastern coast every year.
It is important to note that windstorm insurance does not typically cover damages incurred by flooding. While hurricanes and storms can cause flooding in many cases, these damages require separate flood insurance coverage.
While not required, windstorm insurance should also be considered in mid-western states, such as Oklahoma, and Kansas. This is because tornadoes are a somewhat common natural event in mid-western states.
When filing a windstorm insurance claim, documentation is key. A homeowner should record the exact date of the storm and keep some news articles about the specific storm. Recording the damages either in video or pictures is also very helpful. After the first 2 steps are complete, it’s time to have 2 independent contractors inspect the damages. Once that has been done, you can contact the insurance’s claim department. The insurance company will likely send an inspector on their behalf and having one of your contractors present can make a big difference. Finally, in cases where a claim is denied, you may request another evaluation.